So you want to write a book…
When I decided to write a book about finding my Polish ancestors, I went on a major exploration of publishing options, marketing outlets and I interviewed a half dozen authors to find out how they viewed the joys of publishing your book.
Ultimately deciding Self Publishing was the best fit, I got several proposals from book designers and publishers, then made my choice to use a terrific book designer, Cliff Snyder of 10am Creative Media in Canada who would prepare my cover, art work and text for Create Space, a self publishing division of My work would be available for sale internationally and I ordered discounted hard copies to be delivered to my door.
I was advised to take the initiative in distribution and marketing, use social media, create a web site and do book signings.
There is so much more beyond actually writing a book. Step by step I learned to set up
the web site,,
a Facebook Page,
and I joined ARIA (Association of Rhode Island Authors) to take advantage of their schedule of venues I could sign up for to sell my books at book fairs, libraries and their annual EXPO, which has been held at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet (lucky me - local!) I joined the Massachusetts Genealogical Society,, and had my DNA done (as well as Uncle Michael‘s). Then I was interviewed for an article in the local Warwick Beacon Newspaper.
Head spinning, I began to hear from relatives I didn’t know I had - or hadn’t seen in many years. Strangers wrote to thank me for helping them to search for their family and others got in touch because they loved Poland, liked the photos on Facebook or enjoyed learning about a country they knew little about. The book goes in directions I couldn’t have predicted and brought me reviews I’ve been humbled to receive.
Now it’s finally time to see what the Blog will do for us. I hope you’ll leave a comment, let us know how you found me, and connect with others you read about here. Some of you are cousins!!